Three Beauty Tips To Try In 2017

Get glowing skin, look slimmer and feel fantastic!

Ready to kick up your beauty IQ in 2017? Try these simple ideas to look younger, get skin that glows and slim your face. The best part? All three tips give instant results and aren't expensive to try at home!

Try Dry Brushing Your Skin

Dry brushing certainly isn't new. It's been around forever, but until you've tried it, you won't GET it. Dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like; using a medium sized dry body brush, you sweep the brush over the skin, always "sweeping" towards the heart for maximum lymphatic drainage. This not only will help exfoliate the skin; it will help to wake up the body in the morning and reduce the buildup of excess fluid in the body (bye bye puffiness!). If you want to do it pre-shower, use a dry brush and focus on gently brushing the skin for about three minutes. Or try if after the shower and add a drop or two of oil on the brush for a really silky start to the morning. 

Shave Your Face Already

No, shaving your face won't make your facial hair grow back pubic-style. In what world does using a razor on the outside of your body magically transform HOW your body grows more hair? It just can't. But shaving your face can reduce age spots, dry patches and give you skin that glows. And that's all before you remove that peach fuzz that gives your foundation that weird fuzzy base. You can go fancy and use a DermaFlash, a tool that makes shaving your face impossibly easy and safe. Or you can do what I do and keep a razor just for your face. I use a Venus on my face once per week and don't let anyone else touch it. 

Be sure to rinse it off really well and douse it with alcohol to make sure you aren't transmitting any ickies to your skin. I use a moisturizing facial cleanser and shave in downward strokes, very carefully avoiding the hair line and brows. When your hair starts to grow back, it may feel slightly stiff, but only because the hair is short. It may feel "pointy", but that's because the razor puts an "edge" on the hair. You aren't sprouting man hair on your face from shaving. The results look and feel amazing. Try it!

Use An Ice Roller To Slim Your Face 

My secret to looking camera ready when I don't feel my best is an ice roller. An ice roller is exactly what it sounds like: a little frozen wheel on a handle that encourages dramatic lymphatic drainage. Is your jawline not as tight as you'd like? Spend five minutes or so rolling your jawline in the direction of your lymph nodes; which are located by your ears, neck and armpits (and groin). Think of these lymph nodes as the garbage cans of the body. Simply roll the skin in the direction of the closest lymph node and watch yourself slim down instantly. Just be sure the roller isn't too cold when you first start using it, or you'll hurt the skin. This works brilliantly on puffy eye bags, the jawline, cheeks and neck. You can thank me later. 

10 Old School Beauty Tricks That Still Work

Once upon a time, individuals didn’t have the same number of item alternatives as we do now, and they needed to manage. Furthermore, you can, as well! As opposed to spending tons of money to settle your magnificence troubles, the remedy to your puffy eyes or dull hair may sit tight for you inside your cabinet or even in your satchel! Look at the rundown underneath for ten astonishing (and perhaps somewhat peculiar) tips to up your magnificence amusement.
1. Resuscitate old (or new!) eyeliner
When I was a child, I recall my sitter putting on her cosmetics while she prepared for a date. As she got her eyeliner pencil, she likewise got a lighter and continued to light the tip of it. “It makes it milder and simpler to go on,” she let me know.
attempt it: Grab a lighter and run the tip of your pencil through the fire for a moment or two. A while later, make a point to blow on it and hold up a few moments before putting it on so it’s not hazardously hot. It ought to go on smoother than at any other time.
2. Take care of pores
A decent old-mold confront dunk into ice water can work ponders on a drained face. On the off chance that you can deal with the chilly, it incidentally fixes skin and pores by tightening blood stream. Keep in mind the well known scene in Mommy Dearest? You practically do a similar thing, in actuality.
attempt it: Fill your sink or a bowl with frosty water and ice 3D squares, and submerge your face in the water, holding it set up for eight to ten seconds. Reward magnificence tip: plunging crisply painted nails in ice water can help the clean dry speedier!
3. De-puff eyes in 10 minutes
Late evenings and hours spent gazing into our PCs can bring about puffy, troll eyes. So those small encouraging packs of Earl Gray you have in your pantry won’t just extinguish your thirst, yet they can help with those drained eyes, on account of the counter aggravation properties found in tea.
attempt it: Steep two packs of tea in high temp water for three minutes then place them in the cooler until they’re icy. Apply a tea pack to every eye and unwind for ten minutes. Your eyes will feel revived and look less swollen.
4. Tone skin actually
Apple juice vinegar has been known for an assortment of employments, particularly for the skin. It can act as an awesome toner and in addition treat skin break out. The causticity in the vinegar can dry out pimples, permitting more beneficial skin to have its spot.
attempt it: Make a blend that is one section apple juice vinegar and four sections water, then apply to skin during the evening in the wake of purging. In the event that you have an inclination that you can utilize a more grounded arrangement, attempt it with three sections water et cetera.
5. Liven limp locks
Olive oil is a sound and tasty cooking operator, as well as it’s an incredible cream and can likewise backtalk up dull locks! Olive oil is comprised of unsaturated fats which coat the pole of your hair which can keep it sound and shielded from harm.
attempt it: Heat up a large portion of a measure of olive oil in the microwave for around ten seconds so it’s warm, however not very hot. Apply altogether to hair and leave on for twenty minutes. Cleanser frequently, simply take note of that you may require more than one wash-through. Your hair will be milder and shinier.
6. Amp up lashes
In the event that you have poker-straight lashes that decline to twist, one of your ordinary hair apparatuses can offer assistance. What’s more, no, I don’t mean your twisting wand (eek!). Be that as it may, think, a hair curler wouldn’t generally work in the event that it wasn’t warmed up, correct? A similar thought goes for an eyelash styler, as well.
attempt it: Grab your blow dryer and warmth your eyelash styler for a few moments. Make a point to test the temperature by touching the styler on your palm before utilizing. Make proper acquaintance with your better than ever lashes!
7. Swamp away dead skin
Once in a while you needn’t bother with a favor facial scour to dispose of dry skin. A typical kitchen fixing like sugar can make an awesome exfoliant in light of its characteristic humectants properties (it can keep things sodden and hydrated actually).
attempt it: Combine two sections natural sugar and one section olive or coconut oil. Tenderly rub into face, then wash with warm water. You can likewise utilize this mixture to treat dry, dried out lips.
8. Diminish flaw redness
Suppose you’re preparing for an occasion and you have a brilliant red zit that your concealer and establishment aren’t concealing by any stretch of the imagination. Got some Visine in your bureau? It’s implied for lessening redness in eyes, however a similar vasoconstriction properties can take a shot at pimples, as well.
attempt it: Soak a cotton ball in Visine and place it on your zit for a couple of minutes. It won’t make your imperfection littler, yet it will minimize the redness, at any rate for a couple of hours.
9. Hydrate dried skin
The possibility of utilizing an avocado that has been sitting in your refrigerator for an option that is other than guacamole may convey a tear to your eye, yet there are a lot of other magnificent things avocados can be utilized for, including your skin! The monounsaturated fats and cell reinforcements found in them can keep your skin saturated, lessen redness and bothering, and keep up its suppleness.
attempt it: Mash one avocado up and spread it over your skin. Leave on for twenty minutes or something like that, then wash with warm water. Your skin will be ludicrously smooth.
10. Help hair normally
Lemon juice was a standout amongst the most well known approaches to help hair once upon a time. I did this in secondary school, when my companions and I would go to the shoreline. Lemons contain citrus extract which can open up your hair fingernail skin, blend that with UV beams, and you have yourself a characteristic helping operator.
attempt it: Squeeze juice from four lemons and blend with some water in a shower bottle. Appropriate uniformly to hair, then hang out in the sun for around 45 minutes (keep in mind your SPF!). Flush altogether and condition well. Your hair will be a few shades lighter. This works best on blondes or light brunettes.

6 Simple Breast Enlargement Exercises you can Do at Home

Lion’s share of ladies on the planet are troubled with their bosom measure. For attractive and peppy bosoms, some went under the blade for bosom enlargement surgery. Surely, it could be the speediest way, be that as it may it is not regular. Luckily, going for surgery is not by any means the only approach to build the extent of your bosoms. Practicing is one of them. In this article, I will impart to you on some straightforward activities that you can do at home. On the off chance that you do it every day, you will have the capacity to see and feel the distinction.

How does Exercises function to Increase Breast Size?

Image result for 6 Simple Breast Enlargement Exercises you can Do at Home

Doing workout compels your bosoms to create on the grounds that the activities you perform helps in working up the pectoral muscles, and in addition the glandular and fat tissue in your bosoms. When you direct these basic activities, you will take a shot at all the muscles around your mid-section region that makes your bosom bigger and conditioned. There are numerous, many sorts of activities that you can discover on the web. With the goal for you to work towards your sought outcome, you should do the right activities.
Bosom Enlargement Exercises that Really Works:
bosom growth practice push up
1) Push Ups
Doing push ups is the most customary method for taking a shot at your mid-section region. Put both your palms on the floor, with both arms and feet bear width separated. Drop down yourself by twisting your elbow, then inspire yourself up once more. On the off chance that you discover it excessively troublesome on your toes, you can stoop while doing the pushups.
bosom extension practice divider push ups
2) Wall Push Ups
This is the most straightforward to-do of the considerable number of activities recorded here. Comparable idea with typical push-ups, you simply need to utilize a divider to push close by rather than the floor. Put both your feet far from a divider. At that point lay your palms on the divider and curve your arms, such as doing push ups.

3) Dumbbell Flys
You will require dumbbells for this work out. While hanging on immovably on the dumbbells, extend both arms which ought to be parallel to the floor. At that point the dumbbells are to be lifted over you bringing down your arms to their position.
bosom broadening exercise turn around flys
4) Reverse Dumbbell Flys
Invert flys essentially is comparable with typical flys. Be that as it may, it will be additionally testing as you will confront the floor as opposed to confronting upwards. Rests on a seat or utilize a swiss ball in the event that you have, confronting downwards. Swing your arms holding the dumbbells outwards, far from the floor.
bosom augmentation practice mid-section plunges
5) Chest Dips
Mid-section Dips will deal with your mid-section muscles and additionally your triceps. You can do it just by utilizing a seat or the edge of a seat. Another simple strategy is to hunch down on the floor with your knees pointed up and your palms on the floor, behind you. Drop yourself around bowing your elbows, before touching the ground, inspire yourself up once more.
bosom broadening exercise lifted push ups6) Elevated push ups
This practice is not going to be simple, in any case it works the most out of your pectoral muscles. With your palms on the floor, lift your legs up by utilizing the edge of a couch or a swiss ball. Contingent upon the trouble you can deal with, you raise higher on the off chance that you can take more test. Bring down yourself gradually to the floor, then inspire yourself up once more.

For best adequacy, do these activities gradually and consistently, once a day. In undeniable reality, expanding bosom estimate by practicing works. In the meantime, you will get yourself a superior conditioned body also. In any case, it is not something that will occur without any forethought. You will require a considerable measure of constancy and in addition train for the practice routine ordinary. Searching for speedier outcomes? Perused my 2016 audit on this item.

Are You Suffering From Tooth Pain? Try This Natural Remedy And Say Goodbye To Toothache Forever!

While the field of dentistry has advanced to a great extent in the past few decades, most of us are still afraid to visit a dentist, especially if we need to get a root canal treatment done or a decayed tooth removed. Amongst all the other factors, one of the most common reasons we avoid or dread an appointment with our dentist is a really painful toothache.
Not only does it hurt really bad, the pain sometimes increases to such an extent that you experience swelling in your gums along with a severe headache. And definitely, that is not something to look forward to! You do not feel like eating or drinking anything because you know very well that doing so will only make the pain worse. You are unable to concentrate on anything, and you are left with the last option – paying a visit to the endodontist.

Well, fret not! To treat this condition, we have the safest, most effective, and super quick solution. But, before we share this remedy with you, let us first understand what causes a toothache and how you can prevent tooth decay.
A toothache is caused due to an infection in either the teeth or the gums. As we all know, any infection results in the weakening of the immune system, and the same happens in the case of a gum infection. Gingivitis, also known as gum disease, is caused when bacteria starts accumulating in the gums. This leads to swollen gums and bleeding as well.
Thus, it is very important to take proper care of your teeth and gums and protect them from infection. There are several foods that cause inflammation in the gums. A few of them are dairy products, sugar, and meat. Eating too much of acidic foods also causes gum diseases and tooth decay.
If you’re suffering from a painful toothache, here is how you can treat it using a simple home remedy:

Ingredients Required

  • 1 teaspoon of organic coconut oil
  • ½ teaspoon of organic clove powder

What To Do

  1. Start by rinsing your mouth with warm water. This will help in removing the impurities.
  2. Now, take a teaspoon of organic coconut oil and mix half a teaspoon of organic clove powder with it. If you do not have clove powder, you can add 5-6 drops of clove essential oil instead.
  3. Mix this paste well and then apply it on the tooth that is aching.
  4. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. After some time, you will notice that the pain has subsided.

Why Does This Work?

Clove is considered as a great ingredient to reduce tooth pain and discomfort. This minty-flavored spice has high antioxidant content and is great for your health. The minerals present in it also help in preventing and healing toothaches.
To make this home remedy more effective, you can add half a teaspoon of neem powder to the paste. Neem powder is not only good for preventing toothache, but it also helps in fighting bad breath.
Note: If you are using clove oil, you have to be careful as applying this oil on the affected area can sometimes increase the intensity of the pain, especially if your gum tissues are sensitive. To start with, take a cotton ball and pour two drops of clove oil on it. Place it against the tooth instead of directly applying it.
If you experience a lot of sensitivity with clove oil, there are a few other remedies that you can try. Mentioned below are a few of them:

1. Using Salt Water

When 1 teaspoon of salt water is mixed with 1 cup of hot water, it forms a great and effective mouthwash. It acts as a painkiller, reduces swelling in the gums, and clears the stuck debris. Along with all these, it also provides relief from a sore throat. Swish the salt water solution for 30 seconds and then spit it out. This will cleanse the tooth and draw out the fluid that is causing the swelling.

2. Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Swishing your mouth with 2-3% hydrogen peroxide can help kill bacteria and provide temporary relief. Rinse your mouth with this solution. And once you’re done, spit the solution out. Make sure to rinse your mouth several times with plain water.

3. Using Myrrh

Rinsing your mouth with a tincture of myrrh helps in killing the bacteria present in your tooth and gums. Its astringent effects also help in providing relief from inflammation. To use it, add 1 teaspoon of myrrh powder to 2 cups of fresh water and boil it for half an hour on a low flame. Strain the water and let it cool for some time. Now, take a teaspoon of this solution, mix it with half a cup of water and rinse your mouth with it six times a day.

4. Using Peppermint Tea

Along with a refreshing flavor, peppermint tea is also said to have a numbing power. Swishing a solution of 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves mixed in a cup of boiling water for 10-15 minutes helps in reducing the pain and swelling. This is an effective remedy for headache too. You can also place a warm and soaked tea bag against the affected tooth for quick relief.

5. Using Ginger-Cayenne Paste

To prepare ginger-cayenne paste, mix equal parts of both the spices with water to make a thick paste. Now, roll a small cotton ball in this paste and place it on the affected tooth. Avoid contact with the tongue or gums as you might experience a burning sensation. Leave it on until the pain reduces and then rinse your mouth with plain water.

NOTE: All the remedies mentioned above can provide temporary relief from a toothache. If the condition worsens, you must visit a dentist as soon as possible.
We hope you found this information useful. If you have any doubts or queries, you can ask them in the comments section below.

2 drops of this in your ears and 97% of your hearing recovers! Even old people from 80 to 90 are driven crazy by this simple and natural remedy!

Auditory problems mostly appear because of aging, but recently, more and more people have this kind of problems no matter their age, sex or race.
But, luckily for you, we’re going to present you an article that uses only 2 drops of a mixture in your ears and your hearing recovers in 97%!
This problem could become serious for people’s personal development, for example in the field of work: if you’re constantly telling people to repeat you what they’ve said, you could have problems. You could also have problems by not hearing the horns of any vehicle, especially while you’re walking or driving.
Numerous treatments are present on the market and they all promise that your hearing recovers with their usage, but here, we’re going to suggest you a natural solution that will help you reduce your hearing problems in a very simple form! It uses an ingredient which is very common and is used every day by people all around the world. It’s garlic!
Garlic is universally used to solve many health problems. You’ve also probably heard about numerous legends that claimed that garlic had the ability to destroy vampires.

2 drops of this in your ears and 97% of your hearing recovers! Even old people from 80 to 90 are driven crazy by this simple and natural remedy!

Auditory problems mostly appear because of aging, but recently, more and more people have this kind of problems no matter their age, sex or race.
But, luckily for you, we’re going to present you an article that uses only 2 drops of a mixture in your ears and your hearing recovers in 97%!
This problem could become serious for people’s personal development, for example in the field of work: if you’re constantly telling people to repeat you what they’ve said, you could have problems. You could also have problems by not hearing the horns of any vehicle, especially while you’re walking or driving.
Numerous treatments are present on the market and they all promise that your hearing recovers with their usage, but here, we’re going to suggest you a natural solution that will help you reduce your hearing problems in a very simple form! It uses an ingredient which is very common and is used every day by people all around the world. It’s garlic!
Garlic is universally used to solve many health problems. You’ve also probably heard about numerous legends that claimed that garlic had the ability to destroy vampires.
So, here’s our recipe including this famous kitchen ingredient in a different way!
You need: 
– 3 garlic cloves
– olive oil
– dropper
– cotton or gauze


Take the three garlic cloves and remove their rind completely. Wash them and then press them firmly so that you can extract the maximum quantity of juice possible. Mix the garlic juice with the olive oil and put it in the dropper.
Put three to four drops of this oil in your ear and your hearing recovers instantly! Take a piece of gauze or cotton to close your ear so that the oil can’t go out. Rest for a while lying down, so that the oil could penetrate in your ear deeply. The results will appear very soon and you’ll be amazed!

Natural Remedies to Dissolve Kidney Stones

Here are some natural treatments that may help prevent or soothe the discomfort of kidney stones and facilitate the healing process.

Anyone who has ever passed kidney stones can relate in excruciating detail just how painful that process can be. People suffering from this event often end up in the emergency room desperately seeking any medical relief available. If the kidney stones do not pass and the pain does not subside, a CT scan may be needed to determine the size and number of stones present. A relatively new procedure called a lithotripsy uses a tiny laser to break up the stones in a non-invasive medical procedure, but it is not recommended unless the stones are larger than 8 mm in size.

Image result for Natural Remedies to Dissolve Kidney Stones

As with many other health problems, prevention is a better course of action than treatment after the disease has developed. The major cause of kidney stones is an unhealthy diet and inadequate hydration. The standard American diet that is high in sugar, sodium and animal products result in a buildup of toxins. Proper hydration could help eliminate some of these toxins that contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

Fortunately, the size and number of kidney stones can be reduced considerably through a variety of natural treatments. Switching to a healthier diet and increasing fluid intake is the first step, but it is important that specific foods and nutrients be included to not only prevent, but also dissolve or pulverize the stones.

  1. Magnesium - Many Americans are deficient in this beneficial nutrient. Calcium supplementation is promoted by the health industry to support strong bones and combat osteoporosis, but calcium should be balanced by proper magnesium supplementation which is needed for every bodily function. Studies have shown that magnesium can reduce kidney stones about 92 percent.
  2. Dandelion Root - It is possible to pull a dandelion root out of the ground (easier when the ground is soaked), clean it and make tea. Most people would prefer to simply buy some dried organic dandelion root that is available at health stores as a tea, extract or capsule. This root works to cleanse the kidneys as well as the whole body.
  3. Pomegranate juice - While pomegranates are delicious, the juice is sour and has astringent qualities that support healthy kidneys. The juice can be used to make a healthy smoothie to help break down kidney stones. Organic juice is always best whatever the variety.
  4. Basil - Basil is a popular ingredient in many recipes, and the herb is another plant that is beneficial in preventing and reducing kidney stones. Basil can be made into a tea that is a great kidney toner, and a teaspoon of basil juice with raw honey is an effective treatment to help clear up kidney stones.
  5.  Roller Coaster - While riding a roller coaster is an exciting experience, the jolts and vibrations of a roller coaster ride can also cause a kidney stone to pass. This does not always happen, but studies show stones can be jostled into position to help them pass. Anyone in pain from kidney stones may be willing to try anything; even a scary roller coaster ride.

Modern medical technology is wonderful and beneficial in many ways, but the medical community does not necessarily think in terms of natural treatments. Many health issues including kidney stones can be avoided or treated effectively by eating a healthy diet and supplementing with nutrients that are lacking in the standard American diet. Many prescription drugs are derived from plants found in nature, and many other plants can be used in their natural state. It is always important to check with a health provider before choosing to begin using any alternate treatment for a health problem.


2Ladies want to get lot of money in your house, do this simple thing

he most famous feng shui healers say that this administration will make a positive vibration, and the wealth of the house. It is believed that the presence of these plants in the house and in a way that attracts money like a magnet.


The name of the plant is krasula. It does not require much attention, nor big pot, but if you provide a little more pot, it will grow like crazy. According to the so-called ancient Chinese technique, this plant should set mandatory on the right side of the entranceto the house and in the northern part of the house. This plant has apparently oils which are essential and which increase mental or physical positivity of man and encourage his mental and physical fitness.

12 things that every girl wish to tell her future husband

In our society it is assumed that marriages are made in heaven, god has chosen someone for everyone and one day he/she will find you but it doesn’t mean that marriage is a bond where you have to change your lifestyle completely. Marriage will change your basic nature. Suddenly you will start to think about both of you and “I” part will go away from you 1. You have been and you will always be allowed to hang out with your friends as much as you wish.


Here, we have tried to pull out some of the essential things we guess every woman would like to tell her husband for a perfect marriage.

2. There would be no interference between you and your video games Because I will be the Player 2!

3. You can wear what you want to! I would only give my suggestions, considering the same is solely your decision and there won’t be any naraz hona, rona dhona!

4. I will love and respect your parents and siblings but in return, I expect the same.

5. I love shopping but that doesn’t mean I would want you to accompany me all the time. You can come whenever you like to, there’s no force!

6. I have grown up living with my friends and post marriage would continue to do so; the only difference is I will change the home!

7. Though I would cook your favourite dishes Monday to Saturday, there’s one day I will love to be with you in the kitchen – cooking, talking and hugging now and then!

8. Whenever you feel low, be it emotionally, physically or a business failure. I will always be there for you.

9. Marriage is a huge step for both of us, I may not be a quick learner but will appreciate if you could adjust a bit here and there.

10. Marriage doesn’t stop you appreciating beautiful women nor it stops me making men friends! Keeping our limits intact, we both should know what message we are passing out.

11. We both should equally understand our physical, emotional and financial needs.

12. If I am earning more than you on any month/day/year in my life, I won’t let that spoil our relationship.

6 things that all women need in a relationship

Here are the some things that all women want in a relationship

1. To feel loved:
When you are in a relationship, it is quite obvious that she should feel loved, so she can open with you on each and every aspect. When she is upset, you should be her support.

2. To feel safe:
Your arms should be safest place for her. By creating a safe space for your woman to open up to you emotionally and sexually, you will be giving her a very powerful gift- you allow her to grow within your relationship and undo old emotional damage.

3. She wants to feel seen:
Never avid her. She wants to feel you hearing her, and being aware of her emotional state.

4. She desire to nurture:
Just as masculine energy has the need to protect, feminine energy has the desire to nurture.
She wants to see that partner trust her enough to open . They want to be able to help us through our sadness.

5. To Feel Sexually Desired:
Women need to feel sexually desired. They want to make sure that you see and appreciate them as a feminine, sexual being.
You should always praise her body. During sex she giver herself to you completely and you should appreciate that very well

6. To be appreciate:
Tell her what you appreciate, and tell her often. The feminine in all people responds primarily to praise and appreciation.