Three Beauty Tips To Try In 2017

12/28/2016 Admin 0 Comments

Get glowing skin, look slimmer and feel fantastic!

Ready to kick up your beauty IQ in 2017? Try these simple ideas to look younger, get skin that glows and slim your face. The best part? All three tips give instant results and aren't expensive to try at home!

Try Dry Brushing Your Skin

Dry brushing certainly isn't new. It's been around forever, but until you've tried it, you won't GET it. Dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like; using a medium sized dry body brush, you sweep the brush over the skin, always "sweeping" towards the heart for maximum lymphatic drainage. This not only will help exfoliate the skin; it will help to wake up the body in the morning and reduce the buildup of excess fluid in the body (bye bye puffiness!). If you want to do it pre-shower, use a dry brush and focus on gently brushing the skin for about three minutes. Or try if after the shower and add a drop or two of oil on the brush for a really silky start to the morning. 

Shave Your Face Already

No, shaving your face won't make your facial hair grow back pubic-style. In what world does using a razor on the outside of your body magically transform HOW your body grows more hair? It just can't. But shaving your face can reduce age spots, dry patches and give you skin that glows. And that's all before you remove that peach fuzz that gives your foundation that weird fuzzy base. You can go fancy and use a DermaFlash, a tool that makes shaving your face impossibly easy and safe. Or you can do what I do and keep a razor just for your face. I use a Venus on my face once per week and don't let anyone else touch it. 

Be sure to rinse it off really well and douse it with alcohol to make sure you aren't transmitting any ickies to your skin. I use a moisturizing facial cleanser and shave in downward strokes, very carefully avoiding the hair line and brows. When your hair starts to grow back, it may feel slightly stiff, but only because the hair is short. It may feel "pointy", but that's because the razor puts an "edge" on the hair. You aren't sprouting man hair on your face from shaving. The results look and feel amazing. Try it!

Use An Ice Roller To Slim Your Face 

My secret to looking camera ready when I don't feel my best is an ice roller. An ice roller is exactly what it sounds like: a little frozen wheel on a handle that encourages dramatic lymphatic drainage. Is your jawline not as tight as you'd like? Spend five minutes or so rolling your jawline in the direction of your lymph nodes; which are located by your ears, neck and armpits (and groin). Think of these lymph nodes as the garbage cans of the body. Simply roll the skin in the direction of the closest lymph node and watch yourself slim down instantly. Just be sure the roller isn't too cold when you first start using it, or you'll hurt the skin. This works brilliantly on puffy eye bags, the jawline, cheeks and neck. You can thank me later. 

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