12 things that every girl wish to tell her future husband
In our society it is assumed that marriages are made in heaven, god
has chosen someone for everyone and one day he/she will find you but it
doesn’t mean that marriage is a bond where you have to change your
lifestyle completely. Marriage will change your basic nature. Suddenly
you will start to think about both of you and “I” part will go away from
you 1. You have been and you will always be allowed to hang out with
your friends as much as you wish.
Here, we have tried to pull out some of the essential things we guess
every woman would like to tell her husband for a perfect marriage.
2. There would be no interference between you and your video games Because I will be the Player 2!
3. You can wear what you want to! I would only give my suggestions,
considering the same is solely your decision and there won’t be any
naraz hona, rona dhona!
4. I will love and respect your parents and siblings but in return, I expect the same.
5. I love shopping but that doesn’t mean I would want you to
accompany me all the time. You can come whenever you like to, there’s no
6. I have grown up living with my friends and post marriage would
continue to do so; the only difference is I will change the home!
7. Though I would cook your favourite dishes Monday to Saturday,
there’s one day I will love to be with you in the kitchen – cooking,
talking and hugging now and then!
8. Whenever you feel low, be it emotionally, physically or a business failure. I will always be there for you.
9. Marriage is a huge step for both of us, I may not be a quick
learner but will appreciate if you could adjust a bit here and there.
10. Marriage doesn’t stop you appreciating beautiful women nor it
stops me making men friends! Keeping our limits intact, we both should
know what message we are passing out.
11. We both should equally understand our physical, emotional and financial needs.
12. If I am earning more than you on any month/day/year in my life, I won’t let that spoil our relationship.