How To Remove Your Problem With Blackheads And Minimize Your Pores In Natural Way

11/26/2016 Admin 0 Comments

Blackheads are an annoying cosmetic issue for most people. They are actually acne which occur as the result of clogged hair follicles. In contact with air, these acne turn black.

What causes blackheads?

Blackheads, also known by the name comedones, appear when dead skin cells, dirt and oil build up at the opening of the hair follicle, each of which contains oil-producing glands and a hair. The blackhead appears when the skin opens and air causes oxidation.

Blackhead occurrence can be caused by the following factors:

● Improper skin care
● Age
● Hormonal imbalance
● Genetics
● Pills
● Excessive oil secretion

Unlike pimples, this type of acne is not painful. Blackheads typically occur on the nose, but the back, shoulders and neck can also be affected.
The best way to get rid of blackheads and prevent their occurrence in the future is to use natural treatments for proper face care on a regular daily basis.

The proper way to clean your skin

As we already mentioned, proper skin care is crucial for prevention of blackheads. This includes washing your face twice a day followed by deep clean with an appropriate cleanser. Wash your face with warm water because the warmth will open the closed pores. The next thing you do is apply the cleanser in circular motions three times. Make sure you never use cleansers with oil and alcohol because these ingredients dry or irritate the skin. Finish with washing your face with cold water to close the pores. Pat-dry your face.

Don’t forget to clean your hands thoroughly before cleaning your face.

If you have oily skin, use an astringent afterwards in order to remove the excess oil.

Natural treatments

One of the best natural treatments for blackheads is a mixture of milk and nutmeg. The lactic acid in milk removes the dead skin cells, while the nutmeg removes the bacteria. To prepare the mask use 1 tbsp. milk and ½ tbsp. ground nutmeg. Apply the paste on the blackheads. Leave it on for 20 minutes then wash off. To get clear and soft skin, do the treatment twice a week.

It’s also important to keep your skin well-hydrated and nourished, and honey and lemon are the perfect combination for this. Lemon will remove bacteria from your skin, while honey will nourish it with all the essential nutrients. Simply, rub your face with these two ingredients, leave on for 10 minutes then rinse.

Note: Restrain from poking blackheads as they can affect a larger area on your face and body.

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