How to Lighten Hair Color Naturally Home Remedies

11/27/2016 Admin 0 Comments

Here, I am going to share with you a remedy on how to lighten hair color naturally. Many of us want to lighten our hair, especially during summer. But none of us likes to damage our hair with the chemicals that are present in hair coloring methods.

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The harsh chemicals in hair coloring products badly affect hair texture. Hair colors make our hair dry and brittle also. Other problems are hair fall and dandruff. This is why women look for the natural options to lighten the color of hair. The remedies shared below work faster and these are safe to use.

Remedy 1
  • Cinnamon
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon Juice
  • Olive Oil
  • Honey
  • In a pan, add a cup of water and allow the water to boil.
  • Add now 1 tsp of cinnamon powder.
  • After this, add 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  • Next, add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Now add 1 tsp of lemon juice.
  • Add 2 tbsp of honey after this.
  • Allow it to boil for some more time.
  • Keep on boiling for another 5 minutes after the ingredients have blended well.
  • When the cinnamon water starts boiling well, switch off the stove.
  • Homemade hair lightener to lighten hair color naturally is ready now.

How to Use:
Apply this mixture on well-cleansed hair and scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave this mixture work for at least 1 hour. After this, rinse it off.
Remedy 2
  • Baking soda
  • Water
Mix required amount of baking soda with a little water and make a paste.
How to Use:
Apply and massage your scalp with this paste. Use this remedy once in a week. Within 2-3 weeks, it will lighten your hair color completely.
Benefits of Natural Hair Lighteners
  • Cinnamon is widely used as it has excellent bleaching properties. Because of its anti-bacterial properties, it also helps in the treatment of scalp infections.
  • This is a natural lightener and it is amazing for hair lightening treatment.
  • Cinnamon lightens your hair color and also, it makes your hair smell great.
  • Honey is also a natural lightening agent as it contains a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Honey is an excellent moisturizer and thus, it helps in keeping our hair moisturized.
  • The use of honey also prevents the drying effects of hair lightening.
  • Lemon is a great natural lightening agent. It works deep inside the roots and amazingly lightens hair.
  • Olive oil has also lightening agents and therefore, it is good to use olive oil for hair lightening.
  • Because of its moisturizing properties, the use of olive oil also prevents hair damage.
  • Vinegar has cleansing and conditioning properties and it keeps scalp free from dust and impurities.
  • Vinegar is also an excellent natural hair highlighter.
  • This hair lightener also makes your hair silky and soft.
  • Baking soda is also an excellent hair lightener. The use of baking soda also strips off chemical buildup and any form of residues from your hair and it causes no damage.

So, make these natural hair lighteners to lighten hair color naturally. All natural bleaching agents have been used in these hair lighteners and therefore; you can us these hair lighteners as you want. Also, the natural ingredients used in these homemade hair lighteners are good for hair health. These ingredients color, and nourish your hair in a safe way.

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